Aniszewska-Banaś Grażyna, Professor, Poland
Warsaw School of Economics.
Academic position: Associate professor, Warsaw School of Economics.
Professional position: Executive Director of the Polish-Japanese Management Center at Warsaw School of Economics. Member of editorial board of "Organization' Review". Trainer and consultant in the fields of: Organizational Behavior, Negotiations and General Management.
CEMBA course taught: Simulation / Corporate Management (MBA 8439).
Training in North America: Faculty development programme: University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, Canada; University of Quebec at Montreal, Canada; University of Minnessota, Minneapolis, USA. Training course in Foreign Trade Promotion for Central-European countries - Kobe University, Japan. The Executive Program on Corporate Management for Central and Eastern European Countries - Tokyo, Japan.
Bazoge Benoit, Ph.D., Canada
ESG - University of Quebec at Montreal (ESG - UQAM).
Academic position: Associate professor in Strategic Management, ESG - UQAM.
Professional experience:Visiting professor in various universities throughout the world including INSEAD and CEDEP (France), Bucarest School of Economics (Romania), etc. Trainer in corporate programs both in Canada and France. Consultant in Strategic Management in several large financial institutions. Co-author of several books in strategy including "Strategic Thinking: A Financial Services Approach".
CEMBA course taught: Simulation/Corporate Management (MBA 8439)
Harvey Jean, Ph. D., Canada
Professor of operational excellence at the graduate school of business, ESG-UQAM. He holds a MBA (HEC) and a Ph.D in business (Yvey, University of Western Ontario). His articles have appeared in the best learned and professional journals (such as Journals of Operations, International Journal of Operations Management, Production and Operations Management and Quality Progress). His latest book (Complex Service Delivery Process – Strategy to Operation – 2011) was published by the American Society for Quality and translated into Mandarin Chinese by the Shanghai Association for Quality (2013).
Fields of expertise: Operational excellence, continuous improvement, learning organization, process management, organizational change, culture change, process design, customer experiences, complex services, financial services, tourism.
CEMBA course taught: Operations Management (MBA 8417)
Jakubczyk Michał, Ph.D., Poland
Warsaw School of Economics, Institute of Econometrics,
Academic position: Assistant Professor at the Division of Decision Analysis and Support, Institute of Econometrics
Professional experience: Assistant at the Department of Pharmacoeconomics, Medical University of Warsaw; HealthQuest (in the past: Matrix, Bank BPH)
CEMBA course taught: Statistics and Operations Analysis (MBA 8411).
Education: Warsaw School of Economics (Ph.D., MSc), University of Warsaw, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics (BSc), Center for operations research and econometrics, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium (Marie-Curie scholarship), Universidade Lusofona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, Lisbon, Portugal (Socrates-Erasmus scholarhip)
Laberge Danielle, Ph.D., Canada
Danielle Laberge is an administrator and associate professor in the sociology department of the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQÀM), having served as acting president from December 2006 to January 2008. She has also been vice-president, academic and executive vice-president, professor of sociology and director of advanced studies in sociology at UQAM. As a researcher, she is particularly interested in issues relating to the homeless. Her focus is on the empirical, andin the management of marginality and social exclusion. She has been a visiting researcher at the Institut national des études démographiques and at the l'école normale supérieure de technologie in Paris and a visiting professor at the Université catholique de Louvain in Belgium and at the l'école supérieure de commerce de Paris. Dr. Laberge obtained her masters and doctoral degrees, both in criminology, at the Université de Montréal.
Lee Ian, Ph.D., Canada
Associate Professor at Carleton University in the Sprott School since 1988 i.e. 28 years, teaching Strategic Management and related courses such as International Business Strategy. Research activies: Business and Economics; Government Policy, International Trade.
Librowicz Michel, Ph.D., Canada
ESG - University of Quebec at Montreal (ESG - UQAM).
Academic position: Full time tenured professor (International Marketing), Director of the Philippe Pariseault Chair for Training in Agri-food Market Globalization. Coordinator and founder of the Canadian EMBA program at Warsaw School of Economics, Poland. Member of professional associations: European Foundation for Management Development, Academy of International Business, President of the Chambre de Commerce Canada-Pologne.
Professional experience: Vice-President of Promexport Canada, Montreal. Consultant at Lipos International, New York.
CEMBA course taught: Integrative Project (MBA 8448)
Madden Robert, CA (Chartered Accountant), FCA (Fellow Chartered Accountant), Canada
St. Francis Xavier University, Gerald Schwartz School of Business and Information Systems.
Academic position: Chair of Department of Business Administration at St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia. Former Chair of the Business School and member of the Board of Directors of the Canadian Federation of Business School Deans (CFBSD).
Professional experience: President of Public Accountants Board of Nova Scotia. Fellow Chartered Accountant (F.C.A.) Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nova Scotia. Professor of Graduate and Professional Accounting and Finance courses across Canada for more than 25 years.
CEMBA courses taught: Financial Accounting (MBA 8F3X), Managerial Accounting (FIN 8502).
Mahaffey Thomas, Ph.D., Canada
Gerald Schwartz School of Business Administration and Information Systems, St. Francis Xavier University
Academic position: Associate Professor of Marketing and Strategy.
Professional experience: President of Xavier Group, Inc., specializing in marketing consulting projects for several of Canada's most successful organizations. Also served as the Senior Director of Strategic Planning for Sobeys Canada while on leave from St. Francis Xavier University. Member of the Board of Directors for organizations in pharmacy regulation and financial services including service as the President of Nova Scotia College of Pharmacists. Active research agenda in services marketing. Co-author of two Canadian marketing textbooks.
CEMBA course taught: Marketing (MBA 8416).
Miroński Jacek, Professor, Poland
Warsaw School of Economics, International Marketing Institute.
Academic position: Professor of organizational behaviour, marketing, advertising, negotiations.
Professional experience: Former Director of the Promotion Department in Radio ZET. Consultant and trainer for many companies (ORBIS, Selgros, UNIDO Poland, Polish Chamber of Commerce, Canal Plus, Polish Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations, Apple Computer IMC Poland).
CEMBA course taught: Organizational Behavior (MBA 8410), Human Resources Management (MBA 8418).
Training in North America:
Fulbright Scholarship, Columbia University, New York, USA. Faculty development program at the University of Prince Edward Island, Canada.
Pielaszek Marcin, Ph. D., Poland
Assistant Professor in the Department of Management Accounting in the Warsaw School of Economics, auditor Main form of activities are: Lectures, labs, seminars, classes on full-time, part-time, postgraduate and MBA studies in the field of financial and management accounting; Participation in research projects in the field of financial and management accounting; Training in financial and management accounting; Participation in the work related to the implementations of modern solutions of management accounting, financial accounting and cost accounting. His research interests are: Management accounting in the field of cost accounting, operational control and strategic control. Management accounting and cost accounting in healthcare units.
Prof. Piotr Płoszajski, Ph.D., Poland
Professor and Head of the Department of Management Theory at the Warsaw School of Economics (SGH). In 2005-2008, SGH's Vice-Rector for International Relations. Also: founder and Chairman of the Polish-Japanese Management Center at SGH; Co-founder and Chairman (1998-2008) of the Warsaw Executive MBA. In 2009, 2010 and 2011 voted the Best Polish Instructor of Warsaw Executive MBA.
Graduate of the University of Łódź (majored in management, 1971), and Harvard Business School, USA (1973). Research Scholar in Prof. Edgar Schein's famous Organizational Studies Group at the Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1980-81). Internships in: British Academy, CNRS (France), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Japan Foundation for the Promotion of Science (Chiba Univ.), and other academic institutions. Alumnae of the Entrepreneurship Education Colloquium on Participant-Centered Learning at Harvard Business School (2005).
In 1987-1991, Director of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences, the major Polish social science research center. In 1993-1998, Director General of the Polish Academy of Sciences (nominated by the Prime Minister).
Long-time member of CEMS (Community of European Management Schools) Executive and Academic Committees.
Adjunct Professor in International Business Studies at the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota, USA. Visiting Professor at the International School of Management, Dortmund, Germany and at the Kiev-Mohyla Business School, Ukraine.
Lecturer and keynote speaker at numerous academic and business conferences in Western and Central Europe, the U.S., Japan, India and New Zealand. In 1998-2004, member of faculty in a large-scale USAID-funded training-the-trainer program for Ukrainian university professors in management and economics.
Advising and speaking to executive teams of leading companies in Poland (e.g.: Samsung, HP, PZU SA, PKO SA, BreBank, Kredyt Bank, Allianz, ING Financial Services, Orlen, Lotos, MCX, MasterCard, Mars, Masterfood, Microsoft, Google, UNIBEP, Koło Sanitec, TP SA, Orange, Era, Sybase, Wolters Kluwer, Eureko, ING, PGF, P&G, McKinsey, Polbank, Fortis Bank, Expander, Auchan, Three Mousquetaires, PWPW, Kompania Piwowarska, Auchan, Sybase, Lafarge, etc.). Active management consultant (New Man@gement Solutions).
Member of several supervisory boards, e.g. at Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi (Poland), and InterCars (leading automotive supplier in Europe).
Prosper Bernard, Ph.D.MBA, Canada
Full professor at the University of Quebec at Montreal.
Former MBA Program Director at UQAM, former Vice-rector for Academic Affairs at UQAM. Visiting professor at several Canadian and American universities.Chairman of Consortium of American Universities. Board member of FEWORGANIZATIONS. ESG-UQAM Program Coordinator of in China (China Institute Mining and Technology).
Since 25 years organizes and leads International Mission sessions for MBA students to China, Mexico, Ecuador, Latin America and Chile.
CEMBA course taught: International Mission to China (MBA 8436)
Stangeland David, Ph.D., B. Comm., CPA, CMA, Canada
University of Manitoba, I.H. Asper School of Business.
Academic position: Associate Dean for Professional Programs, Full Professor of Finance, former Department Head of Accounting and Finance.
Professional experience: Co-author of two Corporate Finance textbooks used at universities across Canada and internationally. Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA, CMA). Member of the Investment Committee for TRAF – the Teachers’ Retirement Allowances Fund (pension fund) for Province of Manitoba Teachers, Member of the Investment Committees and Pension Committees for the University of Manitoba Pension Funds. Former member of Independent Review Committees for several mutual funds. Academic Reviewer & Referee for various academic journals. Consultant to several international publishers on the development of corporate finance textbooks. Professional, educational, and research presentations given in Canada, Poland, Germany, USA, Czech Republic, Australia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, China and Mexico. Courses taught include Corporate Finance (undergraduate, MBA, and PhD levels), Investment Banking, International Finance and Advanced Finance Theory (all at undergraduate and MBA levels), and Managerial Economics (MBA).
CEMBA course taught: Managerial Finance (MBA 8415).
Toffoli Roy, B. Sc., Ph.D., MBA, Canada
ESG-University of Quebec at Montreal, Department of Business Strategy
Academic position: Professor of Marketing at the School of Management Science (ESG) of the UQAM.
Professional experience/expertise: International and cross-cultural marketing, cross-cultural consumer behaviour, marketing of high technology products and innovations, environmental and ecological marketing.
CEMBA course taught: International Marketing (MBA 8425)
Warowny Paweł, Ph.D., Poland
Assistant Professor in the Department of Management Accounting in the Warsaw School of Economics, auditor Main form of activities are: Lectures, labs, seminars, classes on full-time, part-time, postgraduate and MBA studies in the field of financial and management accounting; Participation in research projects in the field of financial and management accounting; Training in financial and management accounting; Participation in the work related to the implementations of modern solutions of management accounting, financial accounting and cost accounting. His research interests are: Management accounting in the field of cost accounting, operational control and strategic control. Management accounting and cost accounting in healthcare units.
The professors who made a significant contribution to the success of past editions of the CEMBA Program:
- Ajenstadt J., Ph.D., Canada
- Askanas W., Ph.D., Canada
- Augustyniak Grzegorz, MA, Poland
- Balakrishnan J., Ph.D., Canada
- Barnhill A., Ph.D., Canada
- Bieńkowski W., Professor, Poland
- Boucha M'Zali, Ph.D. MBA, CFA, Canada
- Carney M., Ph.D., Canada
- Cattaneo Julian, Ph.D., Canada
- Cherry D., Ph.D., Canada
- Chowdbury S., Ph.D., Canada
- Chua J., Ph.D., Canada
- Cloutier Martin, Ph.D., Canada
- Collins R., Ph.D., Canada
- Davis M., Ph.D., Canada
- Dębicki M., Ph.D., Canada
- Dow Sandra, PhD., Canada
- Ferris A., Ph.D., Canada
- Filiatrault P.,Ph.D.,Canada
- Ganjavi O., Ph.D., Canada
- Geldner Marian, Professor, Poland
- Genest B. A., Ph.D., Canada
- Gołębiowski T., Professor, Poland
- Goliński J, Professor, Poland
- Good W., Ph.D., Canada
- Gopal A., Ph.D., Canada
- Gruszczyński Marek, Professor, Poland
- Gupta A., Ph.D., Canada
- Isaak R., Ph.D., Canada
- Jarosiński M., Professor, Poland
- Jones S., Ph.D., Canada
- Dr hab. Eugene Kaciak, Canada
- Kamiński Bogusław, Ph.D., Poland
- Lepine I., Ph.D., Canada
- Marciniak Z., Ph.D., Poland
- Mazur J., Professor, Poland
- Matkowski Z., Professor, Poland
- Miciak A., Ph.D., Canada
- Noori H., Ph.D., Canada
- Nowakowski M., Professor, Poland
- Oppenheimer R., Ph.D., Canada
- Pac R., Ph.D., Poland
- Paliwoda Stanley, PhD., Canada
- Pasquero J., Ph.D., Canada
- Polak P.,Ph.D.,Poland
- Prokop J.,Professor,Poland
- Przybyłowski K., Ph.D., Poland
- Przytula Peter, Ph.D., USA
- Rapacki R., Professor, Poland
- Reavley M., Ph.D., Canada
- obinson M., Ph.D., Canada
- Rutkowski I., Professor, Poland
- Storey R., Ph.D., Canada
- Sulejewicz A., Professor, Poland
- Szapiro Tomasz, Professor, Poland
- Tamilia R., Ph.D., Canada
- Thomas D., Ph.D., Canada
- Waters Donald, Ph.D., UK
- Wojciechowski W., Professor, Poland
- Zuccaro C.,Ph.D.,Canada